Jim Vlock Building Project
Graduate | Undergraduate
Studio | Non-Studio
1st 2nd | 3rd Year, 1st | 2nd Semester (Winter 2022)
A pocket of peace, a place that is yours. This phrase became our guiding principle and clearly articulated our ambition for the 2022 Yale Building Project: an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) to be built in the backyard of the 2019 Building Project, at 164 Plymouth Street in New Haven's Hill neighborhood.

Confronted with the site's physical challenges and the emotional needs of our client, Columbus House--a non-profit organization dedicated to aiding the homeless-- our design sought to balance the dichotomy of communal and personal spaces amidst an extremely active and loud site. The need for safety, security, and a sense of tranquility was paramount.
Our architectural response was twofold. Internally, we introduced a robust utility wall that subtly delineates the communal areas from private retreats within the ADU. Externally, we erected site walls that act as a shield, offering visual, acoustic, and physical reprieve from the neighborhood's vibrancy.
These barriers are softened by strategically placed greenery--tall, mid-height, and ground level plants--that not only enhances the shared garden between the ADU and the 2019 Building Project but also promises a dynamic display that changes with the seasons.
The ADU's layout maximizes views of the private garden from the living, dining, and bedroom areas, inviting the outdoors in. This garden affords residents the luxury of outdoor enjoyment in solitude, offering a tangible sense of ownership and privacy.
Photographs of completed Building Project:
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